The defense of master's dissertations has started at Samarkand State University
The defense of dissertations by graduates of Samarkand State University began today. This academic year, more than 370 graduate students are graduating in 47 fields of study.
In the defense of the dissertation, employers, the regional department of the Agency for Civil Service Development, the Main Department of Internal Affairs, the regional department of public education and other similar influential organizations are interested in the staff of SamSU.
-The attention paid to the higher education system serves to improve the quality of education, - says the head of the Samarkand regional department of the Civil Service Development Agency Rustam Kobilov. - I am currently involved in the defense of the dissertation of two years of research of masters of SamSU, and their dissertations in the field of psychology and music attracted my attention. Many employees now need psychologists. It is also important that they do their job well. Of course, every employee needs the help of a psychologist to do their job with pleasure.
What is the order of higher education for employers today? For example, the dissertation I was listening to was about the influence of psychological factors on the formation of musical ability in adolescents. This dissertation is important because of its relevance.
Gulruh Narzikulova, Master of Psychology and Social Relations:
- Today we are testing the knowledge we have learned from our teachers for 2 years. During this period, I successfully defended my research on “Removing Depressed Soldiers from Depression Using Logotherapy”. This is very exciting. In the future, I plan to do research in other areas of psychology.
Information Service of Samarkand State University
Photos by Shavkat Akramov