Head of the department

Hasanov Gofurjon Aknazarovich


1991 – 1996 student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Samarkand State University;
1996 – 1999 post-graduate student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Urgench State University;
1999 – 2001 Assistant of the Department of Theory of Functions of Urgench State University;
2001 – 2006 laboratory assistant of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Samarkand State University;
2006 – 2015 Assistant, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Algebra and Geometry of Samarkand State University;
2015 – 2019 Head of the Department of Algebra and Geometry of Samarkand State University;
2019 – 2020 doctoral student (DSc) of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Samarkand State University;
2020 – Head of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of Samarkand State University;


The Department of Mathematical Analysis was one of the first departments established at Samarkand State University in 1934. The first chairman of the department was professor V.P.Solovev. Before the Great Patriotic War, M.S.Sobirov, R.I.Iskandarov, SH.T.Maksudov, A.P.Mitryakov and others worked at the department.

After the restoration of the university in 1944, the department was headed by associated Professor M.S.Sobirov in 1945-1961.

In 1961-1966 the department was headed by associated Professor X.A.Abdullaev, in 1966-1972 by Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan M.S.Sobirov, in 1972-1984 by associated Professor A.Nazarov, in 1984-1985 by associated Professor A.Mamatkulov, in 1985-1994 by associated Professor U.E.Mamirov.

In 1994-1996, the departments of mathematical analysis and theory of functions of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics were merged and renamed the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis, headed by Professor S.N.Lakayev (now academician).

In 1996, the Department of Mathematical Analysis was reorganized and until 2001 it was headed by associated Professor U.E.Mamirov.

In 2001-2020, Professor I.A.Ikramov headed the department.

From 2020 candidate of physical and mathematical sciences associated Professor G.A.Khasanov is the chairman of the department.


In different years, the department had the following professors and teachers: Kabulov R., Ibragimova S.G., Kutmatov Sh., Mamashev S., Bubnov E.A., Ruziev J., Nazarov A., Matniyazov B., Asrorov YA., Nurimov T., Khamroyev Q., Rabbimov A.S., Mamatqulov A., Soliev A., Ashurov R., Musaev A., Gaziyev A., Aymatov Q., Otaqulov S., Laqaev S.N. Abduqodirov E., Mamatqulov H., Ochilov P.I., Islomov I., Kornienko V.V., Begmatov A.H., Tursunkulov B.M., Muyasarov A., Sunnatov X.M., Bokiev Q., Pozdniyakova N.S. Mamatov Sh.

Each chairman of the department has a worthy role in building the capacity of the department, establishing relations with foreign universities and directing young people to scientific work.

In particular, since 1965 to date, more than 10 doctors of sciences and more than 40 candidate dissertations have been defended by graduates of the department, and they have been working in senior positions in various universities of the country. In addition, the graduates of the department have served and continue to serve in public administration organizations, the chairman of the district public education, chairmans of academic lyceum, police officers and principals of secondary schools.

Scientists who have attended special courses at the department and defended their doctoral dissertations: B.Abdualimov, Kh.Khudoynazarov, B.Xujayorov, S.N.Lakaev, T.Safarov, A.Kh.Begmatov, V.V.Karnienko, I.A.Ikromov, A.A.Djalilov, Sh.G.Kosimov, U.Rozikov, J.I.Abdullayev, S.A.Imomkulov.


Teachers currently working in the department: candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associated Professor G.A.Xasanov – chairman of the department, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences professor I.A.Ikromov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Yu.S Volkov (Russia), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor A.Gaziyev, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associated Professor: T.Absalamov, R.Mardiyev, B.Fayzullayeva, Z.Ashurova, A.U.Arzikulov, A.B.Ne’matov, A.M.Ibragimov, D.D.Turakulov, PhD: S.E.Usmonov, F.T.Ishankulov, B.U.Mamirov, Sh.Muranov, assistants: J.Mardonov, R.U.Eshbekov. The scientific potential of the department is 89%.

Distinguished scholarships prepared by professors and teachers of the department: Absalomov A.T. (winner of the state scholarship named after academic A.Otakhujaev), Jo‘raeva A.Yu. (Winner of the State Scholarship named after Beruni, winner of the State Prize named after Zulfiya), Kalandarova M. (winner of state scholarship named after Ulugbek), Eshtemirova L.S. (winner of state scholarship named after Ulugbek). Ibragimov Z. (winner of the Presidential Scholarship, the first place in the national competition for graduate work.

Scientific researchs and seminars of the department:

The researchs have been conducting in 3 fields:

1. Theory of oscillation integrals.

2. Boundary value problems of analytical functions and singular integral equations.

3. Theory and methods of teaching mathematical analysis.

Today, the scientific seminar "Theory of specialties and its applications" is conducted by Professor I.A.Ikramov.

Among the participants of the seminar, G.A.Khasanov successfully defended his dissertation on "Estimates oscillatory integrals with smooth phases" in 2004, D.D.Turakulov in 2010 on "On estimates for Fourier transform of smooth measures concentrated on convex hypersufaces"

A.R.Safarov on "Uniform estimates for oscillatory integrals and their applications" in 2017, S.Usmanov on "Boundedness problem for maximal operators associated with developable hypersurfaces" in 2019, and Sh.Muranov on "On estimates for oscillatory integrals with damping factor" In 2020, he received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Analysis.

At the same time, the department regularly conducts scientific-methodical seminars "Problems of teaching mathematical analysis" under the leadership of G.A.Khasanov and A.Arzikulov.

Scientific cooperation of the members of the department: The department cooperates with universities and research institutes of several foreign and CIS countries. These include ISTP (Italy), Kiel University (Germany), Putra University (Malaysia), Moscow State University (MGU), Novasibrsk State University (NSU), S.L.Sobolev Institute of Mathematics in Novasibrsk, A.Yassavi International Kazakh-Turkish University (Scientific research is carried out in cooperation with the Republic of Kazakhstan).

As a result, teachers of the department I.A.Ikramov (Italy, Germany, Turkey, South Korea), R.Mardiev (France), A.U.Arzikulov (England, Turkey), G.A.Khasanov (Italy, Malaysia), A.T.Absalamov (Italy, USA) who were on scientific trips in foreign countries.

The members of the department are the winners of the following international and national grants: Prof. I.A.Ikromov. - Grant from the DFG (USB-486) Foundation of the University of Kiel, Germany (2001-2019), Grant from the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy (2002-2003), FTC of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan 70-06 2005. I.A. Ikramov has been conducting research on the basis of a grant from the DFG Foundation since 2001 in collaboration with Professor D. Mueller of the University of Kiel, Germany. He was a member of the Abdus Salam International Research Center for Theoretical Physics in Italy from 1996-2004 and 2007-2013. OT-F4-69 "Harmonic analysis, degree geometry and their applications to mathematical physics" (2017, Uzbekistan).

Prof. A. A. Djalilov. - Grant from the International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy (2002), German DAAD Scientific Grant (2004). Scientific grant from the University of Lille, France (2005), scientific grant from the Royal Society of England (2004-2006).

Textbooks, manuals and monographs created by professors and teachers of the department:

  1. I.A.Ikromov “Tebranuvchan integrallar va ularning tatbiqlari” Samarqand 2003 yil o‘quv qullanma (magistrlar uchun)
  2. I.A.Ikromov, M.Kempe and D.Mueller. “Estimates for maximal functions and related problems of harmonic analysis associated to hypersurfaces in R3. Acta mathematika, 204(2010), no. 2, 151-271. Печ. 120
  3. I.A.Ikromov, and D.Mueller. “Fourier Restriction for Hypersurfaces in three dimensions and Newton Polyhedra” Annals of Mathematics studies Number 194, Monograph. Princeton University, Press 2016, 258.
  4. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Funksiyalar va grafiklar, −T.: “Voris nashriyoti”, 2006. 464 b.
  5. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan misol va masalalar, 1-qism, −T.: “Turon iqbol” nashriyoti, 2012. 480 b.
  6. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan misol va masalalar, 2-qism, −T.: “Fan va texnologiya” nashriyoti, 2012 . 384 b.
  7. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan misol va masalalar, 3-qism, −T.: “Fan va texnologiya” nashriyoti, 2012. 368 b.
  8. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan misol va masalalar, 4-qism, −T.: “Fan va texnologiya” nashriyoti, 2013. 368 b.
  9. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan mustaqil ishlar, 1-qism. O’quv qo’llanma.-T. “Aloqachi” nashryot. 2018. 432 b.
  10. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analizdan mustaqil ishlar, 2-qism. O’quv qo’llanma, −T.: “Aloqachi” nashryot. 2018. 496 b.
  11. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Jurayev U., Yaxshiboyev M. U., Fayzullayeva B.Matematik tahlil I. 1-qism. Fiziklar uchun amaliy mashg’ulotlar. Samarqand: SamDU, 2020, 154 b.
  12. Gaziyev A., Israilov I., Jurayev U., Yaxshiboyev M. U., Fayzullayeva B.
  13. Matematik tahlil I. 2-qism. Fiziklar uchun amaliy mashg’ulotlar. Samarqand: SamDU, 2020, 154 b.
  14. Gaziyev A. Matematik analiz, 1-qism. Darslik. −Samarqand: SamDU. 2020, 424 b.
  15. Gaziyev A., Yaxshiboyev M.U. Matematik analiz, 2-qism. Darslik. −Samarqand: SamDU, 2020. 368 b.
  16. G’.A.Xasanov, T.E.Bo’riyev Analitik geometriya (fiziklar uchun amaliy mashg’ulot) (o‘quv qo‘llanma) 131 bet. Samarqand 2020 yil.


The department has master's, basic doctoral (PhD), doctoral (DSc).

Awarding of professors and teachers of the department: The services of professors and teachers of the department are awarded at the national level. Among them, Associate Professor A.Gaziyev "Veteran of Labor" (1987), "Excellence in Higher Education" (1988), Professor I.A.Ikramov and Associate Professor U.E.Mamirov were awarded the badge "25th Anniversary of Independence" .

Professor of the University I.A.Ikramov was the winner of the competition "The best researcher of the year" in 2015, associate professor A.U.Arzikulov in 2010 and 2015 "The best teacher of the year".

The textbook of Associate Professor A.Gaziyev won the competition "The best textbook of the year" in 2016, and in 2017 - Assoc. A.Gaziyev was awarded the title of professor for his textbooks and monographs.

Fields of study of the department: Teachers of the department of the Faculty of Mathematics "5130100 – Mathematics", "5110100 – Mathematics and Informatics", "5130300 – Mathematical Engineering", "5140300 – Mechanics and Mathematical Modeling" "5130200 – Applied Mathematics", "5330100 – Computer Science and Programming Technologies" of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and "5140200 – Physics", "5110200 – Physics and Astronomy" of the Faculty of Physics and students of the Faculty of International Education Programs.

Subjects taught at the department:


• Fundamentals of analysis

• Mathematical analysis

• Selected sections of the analysis

• Asymptotic methods in analysis

• Parameter-dependent integrals and their applications


• Additional chapters of mathematical analysis

• Boundary issues of analytical function

• The theory of singular integral equations

• Distribution theory

• Oscillating integrals and their asymptotics

• Theory of maximum operators