In the conditions of the current globalization, it is not possible to achieve food safety at the level of a single country, but it is very important to take systematic measures throughout the world and to determine the main directions. In this regard, the international scientific conference on the topic "Food safety: national and global problems", which is traditionally held at Samarkand State University in cooperation with world-renowned scientists, serves as an important platform.

    It is expected that the conference, which will be held for the fourth time this year, will bring together influential organizations operating in the field and scientists, experts, investors, and specialists from more than 20 countries of the world to exchange experience and ideas, and to develop tasks planned in the future.

    At the 4th international scientific-practical conference on the topic "Food safety: national and global problems" during the coronavirus pandemic, important issues and problems of the implementation of the concept of ensuring food safety in Uzbekistan and the world, the priority of sustainable use of natural resources in unfavorable regions affected by stress factors were discussed. directions, the importance of using modern bio and agro-technologies in ensuring food safety, modern research in the field of nutrition and food digestion and their topical issues, such as the integration of science, education and production in ensuring food safety are expected to be discussed caught. In addition, the focus of the conference will be on large-scale research and development activities that are being carried out to ensure food safety in different regions of the world.

     Bakriddin Zaripov,

     Professor, academician of Samarkand State University.