Head of the Department of Sports Activities of 
 Samarkand State University
Toshmurodov Otabek Erkinovich

+998904604676 toshmurodovotabek@samdu.uz

Otabek Toshmurodov is an associate professor at Samarkand State University. Since 2001 he has been working at the Faculty of Physical Education of Samarkand State University. Since 2021 he has been the head of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

In 2019, he received the academic title of associate professor in the specialty "Theory and Methodology of Physical Culture and Sports Training". His articles have been published in 6 international scientific journals and 5 in national scientific journals. He is also the author of 3 textbooks, 2 methodical manuals and 1 methodical recommendation. His main scientific direction is the formation of motor skills of young wrestlers.



                                                                             Staff of the Department of Sports Activities


Sultonov Rustam Turayevich


Rustam Sultanov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2013. Since 2021 he is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

His articles have been published in 4 international scientific journals and 1 in national scientific journals. He is also the author of 3 methodical manuals. His main scientific direction is the physical development of young basketball players.

Badaev Rishad Rashidovich


Rishad Badaev has been working at Samarkand State University since 2017.

He has published 8 articles in international scientific journals and 1 article in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 30 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 2 textbooks and 2 tutorials.

1. https://doi.org/10.24412/2181-1385-2022-4-559-563



4. http://www.omniscriptum.com/

5. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/

6. https://sciencecentrum.pl/arhiv-zhurnalov/


Abdilahatov Zafar Abdigapirovich


Zafar Abdilakhatov is an assistant of the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities.

He has published 4 articles in international scientific journals and 1 article in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 30 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 monograph and 1 methodical manual. He conducts scientific research on the topic "Development of professional competence of the future teacher of physical culture".






Adzhiev Nayrullo Nazrulloevich


Nayrullo Adzhiev is an assistant of the Sports Activity Department at Samarkand State University.

He has participated in more than 5 international and local conferences with theses. He conducts scientific research on "Development of heuristic thinking of students in the conditions of digital education".


Khaydarov Muhammad Rakhmonovich


Since 2021, Mukhammad Haydarov has been working as an assistant at the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities. He has published 1 article in international scientific journals, with theses participated in more than 5 foreign and domestic conferences.


Shomurodov Sarvar Elbekovich


Sarvar Shomurodov is the winner of the World Youth Judo Championship. Winner of the 2019 World Wrestling Championship, held in Korea. Master of Sports International Class in judo and wrestling. Since 2021 is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

Participated in more than 5 international and local conferences with abstracts. His main scientific direction is the formation of motor skills of children of preschool age.

Umarov Komil Madzhitovich


Komil Umarov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2014. Since 2021 he is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University. Published 6 articles in international scientific journals and 1 article in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 40 international and local conferences with abstracts, and is the author of 1 textbook, 3 textbooks and 5 teaching aids. His main scientific direction is the use of acrobatic exercises in the development of motor activity of young volleyball players.

1. https://vniifk.ru/content/vsn/2020/VSN_5-2020.pdf

2. https://repo.journalnx.com/index.php/nx/issue/view/3

3. http://lesgaft-notes.spb.ru/ru/node/21038


5. https://slib.uz/en/edition/file-view?id=530




Toshpulatova Aziza Toyirovna


Aziza Toshpulatova has been working as an assistant at the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University since 2021.

She has participated in more than 5 international and local conferences with abstracts.


Imomov Mavlon Abdusalomovich


Mavlon Imomov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2008. Since 2021 he has been working as an associate professor at the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

He has published 1 article in international scientific journals. He is the participant of more than 50 international and local conferences with theses, the author of 1 monograph, 1 textbook and 1 manual. His main scientific direction is organization of physical education classes in pre-school educational institutions.


Yusupov Mirzoulugbek Medievich


Yusupov Mirzoulugbek is a senior lecturer at the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities. Since 2016 he has been working at Samarkand State University. He is a participant of more than 10 international and local conferences with theses, the author of 15 methodological manuals.


Salikhova Rumiya Rufatovna


Rumia Salikhova is a master of sports in artistic gymnastics. Since 2017 she has been working at Samarkand State University. Since 2021 she has been working as an assistant in the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.


Mirzaev Ibrokhim Ilkhomovich


Ibrohim Mirzaev is an assistant of the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 2013. He has participated in more than 30 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 methodical manual.


Usmonov Yokub Saidkhodzhaevich


Yokub Usmanov is a major in the military reserve. He is a recipient of the 30th anniversary of independence badge. Since 2021, he has worked as a senior lecturer at the Samarkand State University's Sports Activities Department.


Holmurodov Sanjar Saidmuradovich


Sanzhar Kholmurodov is a lieutenant colonel in the military reserve. Holder of the medals "Courage," "Amir Temur," the badge of the 30th anniversary of Independence. From 2010 to 2020 he worked at the military department of Samarkand State University. Since 2021 he has been working as a senior lecturer at the department of sports activities of Samarkand State University.


Tursunkulov Elmurod Azzamkulovich


Elmurod Tursunkulov is an assistant of the Samarkand State University Sports Activities Department. He has been working at Samarkand State University since 2013. In 2022 he received his PhD degree in theory and methodology of physical education and sports training.

His articles have been published in 2 international scientific journals and 6 in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 70 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 2 textbooks, 2 teaching aids. The scientist conducts research on "Improvement of mechanisms of management of physical education and sports".


Barakaev Bakhodir Urakovich


Bakhodir Barakaev has been working at Samarkand State University since 2005. Since 2021, he has been working as an assistant at the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University.

He has published 5 articles in international scientific journals and 2 articles in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 40 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 textbook. His main scientific direction is to conduct research on the subject of increasing the competitive activity of highly skilled wrestlers.





Ruzikulov Dilshod Muratkulovich


Dilshod Ruzikulov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2016. Since 2021 he is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

His articles have been published in 6 international scientific journals and 2 in national scientific journals. He is also the author of 1 textbook, 5 teaching aids. He conducts research on "Innovative technologies in the selection of young people for sports".


Mamaziyatov Doniyorbek Bakhtiyorovich


Doniyorbek Mamaziyatov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2007. Since 2021 he is an assistant of the Department of Sport Activities at Samarkand State University. In 2021 he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences. Since 2022, he has been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Sports Activities.

His articles have been published in 4 international scientific journals and 6 in national scientific journals. He has participated in more than 50 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 2 textbooks, 2 manuals. He conducts research on "Formation of scientific-methodical base of Olympic knowledge in the system of training specialists in physical culture and sport".




Khotamov Mumin Akhmadovich


Since 2021, Mumin Hotamov has been working as an assistant at the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

His articles were published in 6 international scientific journals, 24 in foreign scientific journals and 24 in national scientific publications. He conducts research on "Innovative technologies in the selection and selection of young handball players".




Mardonov Nodir Jamolovich


Nodir Mardonov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2013. Since 2021 he has been an assistant of the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities.

He has participated in more than 50 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 textbook. He conducts research on "The role of information technology in improving the overall physical fitness of trainee youth".


Otaboev Murodullo Islomovich


Since 2021 Murodullo Otaboev has been working as an assistant at the Samarkand State University's Sports Activities Department. 1 article was published in international scientific journals.


Mamadierov Norbek Kuvandikovich


Norbek Mamadiyorov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2018. Since 2021 he is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University. Published 2 articles in international scientific journals and 10 articles in national scientific journals. Conducts research on "Improving the organizational and economic mechanisms of development of physical culture and sports service.


Dusanov Shukhrat Abdirazakovich


Shukhrat Dusanov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2016. Since 2021 he has been an assistant of the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University.

3 of his articles were published in foreign scientific publications. With theses participated in more than 15 international and local conferences. Conducts research on the theme "Increasing professional skills of future teachers of physical culture in the conditions of innovative education".


Bakhtiyorova Maftuna Bakhtiyorovna


Maftuna Bakhtiorova has been working at Samarkand State University since 2014. Since 2021 she is an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

Her articles have been published in 2 international scientific journals and 3 in national scientific journals. She has participated in more than 20 international and local conferences with abstracts. She is also the author of 1 textbook. Her main scientific direction is to improve the methods of assessing physical development and physical fitness of children of primary school age.


Sobirov Orif Abdzhalilovich


Since 2015 Orif Sobirov has been working as an assistant in the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

His works were published in 5 international scientific journals and 1 in the national scientific journals. He has participated with theses in more than 15 international and local conferences. He is also the author of 1 educational and 1 methodical manual.



3. https://scholarzest.com/index.php/esj/article/view/1993


Nasimov Ulugbek Orifovich


Ulugbek Nasimov has been working at Samarkand State University since 2019. Since 2021 he has been working as an assistant of the department of sports activities at Samarkand State University.

He has published 4 articles in international scientific journals and participated in more than 8 foreign and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 methodical manual. Her main scientific direction is to improve the professional competencies of a physical education teacher in the process of preparing students for sports competitions.

1. https://vniifk.ru/content/vsn/2020/VSN_5-2020.pdf







Sadikov Khamdam Rakhmatullaevich


Since 2022 Hamdam Sadikov has been working as an assistant at the Samarkand State University's Sports Activities Department.

He has participated in more than 5 international and local conferences with abstracts. He is also the author of 1 methodical manual.


Abdurakhimov Ziyodullo Khozhiakbarovich


Since 2019, Ziyodullo Abdurahimov has been working as an assistant at the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University.

He has published 4 articles in international scientific journals and participated in more than 8 international and local conferences with abstracts, and is the author of 1 methodical manual. He conducts research on the topic "Methodology of development of passing accuracy of connecting player in volleyball".

1. https://vniifk.ru/content/vsn/2020/VSN_5-2020.pdf







Andrievskaya Olga Vitalievna


Since 2014, Olga Andrievskaya has worked as an assistant at the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities.

She has participated in more than 20 international and local conferences with abstracts. She is also the author of 1 textbook and 2 methodological manuals.


Khamrakulova Iroda Shakhobovna


Since 2014, Iroda Khamrakulova has worked as an assistant in the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University.

She has published 5 articles in international scientific journals and 3 articles in national scientific journals. She is also the author of 1 textbook, 2 manuals and 1 teaching aid. Her main scientific direction is the study of psychological training of athletes.




Рахмонов Дилмурод Нусратович


Since 2021, Dilmurod Rakhmonov has worked as an assistant at the Samarkand State University Department of Sports Activities. He has participated in 7 international and local conferences with abstracts.

Dustov Dzhonibek Amriddinovich


Since 2021, Dzhonibek Dustov has been working as an assistant at the Department of Sports Activities at Samarkand State University. He has participated in more than 20 international and local conferences with abstracts.

Educational disciplines taught at the department

Bachelor's Degree

  • Basketball teaching methods
  • Methods of teaching volleyball
  • Physical Education, Theory and Methods of Sports
  • Increase of pedagogical sportsmanship
  • Theory and methodology of combat
  • Arrangement and officiating of sports competitions
  • Psychology and sports psychology
  • Individual wrestling, coordination and cycling, rhythmic gymnastics (for girls)
  • Theory and methodology of the chosen kind of sport (volleyball. Basketball. Handball. Wrestling. Athletics)
  • Physical education and sports pedagogy
  • Fundamentals of sports for children and adolescents
  • Sports Tourism
  • Physical Education and Sports Management
  • Gymnastics and the methods of teaching it
  • Athletics and Methods of teaching it
  • Methods of teaching physical exercises
  • Types of wrestling and methods of teaching it
  • Physical education theory and methods
  • Methods of teaching sports skills
  • Methods of teaching elementary training science
  • Hand-to-hand fighting and methods of teaching it
  • Pedagogical technologies in pre-vocational science education

Photos from the activities of the department