Head of the department

Qurbonov Davlat Ravshanovich

  •  Reception days: every day from 8:00 to 16:00
  •  Phone number: +998915560707
  •  Email: davlatqurbonov75@bk.ru


1990-1991 - Fitter of communication networks department of Gijduvan district of Bukhara region
1991-1992 - Painter of the PMK-200 construction organization Vobkent district of Bukhara region
1992-1997 - Student of the faculty of law of Samarkand State University
1997-2002 - Assistant of the department of civil and general law of Samarkand State University.
1997-2002 - Dean of the correspondence department of the faculty of law of Samarkand State University
2002-2008 - Lecturer of the department of civil and general law of Samarkand State University
2008-2009  - Lecturer of the department of criminal legal Sciences of Samarkand State University
2009-2010  - Associate professor of the department of criminal legal Sciences of Samarkand State University 
2010-2014  - Head of the department of criminal legal Sciences of Samarkand State University
2014-2015  - Associate professor of the department of criminal legal Sciences of Samarkand State University
2015-2017  - Associate professor of the department of legal sciences of Samarkand State University 
2017-2018  - Associate professor of the department of law education of Samarkand State University
2018 -2019 - Deputy dean of the faculty of psychology and Social Sciences of Samarkand State University
2020 – p. t. - Head of the department of law and legal education faculty of law Samarkand State University


According to the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan № PD -5987 of April 29, 2020 “On additional measures for the radical improvement of legal education and science in the Republic of Uzbekistan” and the order of the rector of the University №290-ex of June 20, 2020 the department of “Jurisprudence and law education” was established.
When these syllables are established dots D.Kurbanov was a teacher and founded the structure of the school. He is giving knowledge to Sammu students in the field of jurisprudence and law education.
At the time of creation of the department, head of the department D.Kurbanov, teachers of the department 1 doctor of Sciences, professor Mukimov Ziyadulla, associate professors Mirzaev Rahmatulla, Mukimova Muslima, Kuvondikov Zakir, Mamatov Khairullo, Kuldoshiv Muhammad, Gulomov Akmaljon are working fruitfully to stimulate and develop legal literacy of students. 
The increase in legal literacy by the professors of the Department “Jurisprudence and law education” is carried out on the basis of the following system.
Our President Sh.Mirziyoyev's decrees and decisions are constantly integrated into the minds of students to develop their political consciousness and culture;
Participation of teachers in spiritual and educational events held in Samarkand region and the city (lectures, round tables);
The teaching staff of the department is engaged in organizing and familiarizing students of “Jurisprudence and legal education” with the historical monuments of the city of Samarkand, educating them in the spirit of patriotism, organizing leisure activities;
Professors and teachers of Samarkand State University are constantly holding spiritual and educational events on the basis of a plan at the “student residence”.
The activities of the agency are aimed at raising theoretical and practical issues of democratic reforms carried out in Uzbekistan, legal culture. Attention is paid to spiritual and educational work by teachers.         
Educational programs in the subjects taught at the department
• Theory of state and law
• History of state and law/Roman law
• Criminal law
• Civil law
• Administrative law
• Labor law  
Administrative prosessual law
• Civil prosessual law
• Criminal prosessual law
• Entrepreneurship (business) law
• Economic prosessual law
• Criminal-execution law
• Criminalism
• Judicial and law enforcement agencies
• Legal psychology
• International law
• Criminology
• Family law
• Prosecutor's control
• Prosessual documents on criminal and civil cases
• Enforcement proceedings  (Execution )
• Legal service in the Republic of Uzbekistan
• Social security law