Thanks to the development of scientific research and innovation, the achievement of practical results, opportunities and conditions have emerged for the creation of scientific volume products under the brand of Uzbekistan.

      For the future of our country, it is important to conduct scientific research in the field of nanophotonics, materials science and metamaterials, especially to improve the efficiency of alternative energy sources, which contribute to the development of not only science, but also the economy.

     In this regard, from the powers provided for by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On additional measures to ensure the academic and organizational and managerial independence of state higher educational institutions” dated December 24, 2021 PP-60, based on the decision of the Supervisory Board of the University, the “Samarkand Quantum Center” was created jointly with the University of Texas at Dallas USA.

     The main goal of the center is the creation of scientific products under the brand of Uzbekistan (synthesis of new materials based on the creation of quantum dots in perovskite).

      Currently, perovskites are used in the production of high efficiency and low cost solar cells, catalysts in fusion reactions, piezotransformers, optical gates and switches, logic and memory elements, information security devices and digital technology devices.

      It is difficult to imagine a future without perovskites, since they will power the computers and mobile phones of the future. Perovskites occupy leading positions as promising materials in new fields of magnetoelasticity and spintronics physics.

      Therefore, one of the important tasks of the center is to establish patterns and connections between methods for the synthesis of new compounds with different properties, composition and structure of the compound, its physical and chemical properties.

    The diversity of the chemical composition of perovskites expands the range of their practical applications. In particular, it is possible to create a technology for producing qubits for quantum computers based on perovskites.

      Scientific research carried out at the center is related to the synthesis of perovskites and materials based on them. Based on them, it becomes possible to produce new devices and supply them to the global materials science market.

      At the Samarkand Quantum Center, crystalline and thin-layer materials, hybrid structures based on perovskites of various compositions (they include organic dyes and rare earth elements) are synthesized, and their physical and chemical properties are studied.

      A technology will also be developed to create various perovskite nanocrystals that generate single-photon radiation, which are proposed as new nanomaterials for optoelectronics, spintronics and green energy.

      As a result of research conducted at the Samarkand Quantum Center, highly sensitive sensors will be developed for use in the fields of solar energy, telecommunications and microelectronics, as well as qubit technologies used in quantum computers.

      Based on the developed technologies, new devices and tools will be created in the future for the fields of optoelectronics, nanophotonics and microelectronics.

      Center's website