Have you ever heard of chokeberry fruit?

Maftuna Kayumova, Master of the Faculty of Biology of the Samarkand State University, is conducting a scientific study on the topic “biological characteristics of the chokeberry plant in the conditions of the Samarkand region.” The researcher is the author of about 10 articles on this topic.
– In the scientific literature, the chokeberry fruit is mentioned as a medicinal plant, tells Maftuna Kayumova. - 10% of chokeberry matter are sugars, that is, glucose and fructose, sorbitol alcohol. These give food a sweet taste and have the ability to significantly lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. The fruits of the plant are rich in vitamin P. The average content of anthracite pigments in fruits is 6.4%. Chokeberry fruits are fundamentally different from other plants in that their composition is rich in trace elements. Its fruits contain boron, fluorine, iodide compound, compounds of ferrum, copper, manganese, molybdenum. The total alkalinity of fruits is 1.3% less than that of apples. In addition, chokeberry fruits contain the glycoside amygdalin, as well as pectin and astringents that give a sour taste. Chokeberry fruit is the most antioxidant preservative among medicinal plants. Thanks to this property, it is among the products that prevent the aging process. A large amount of minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances in chokeberry fruits is of great interest in the study of its biochemical composition.
In medicine, chokeberry fruits are used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular, liver, thyroid diseases, metabolic syndromes, diabetes, hypertension, and gastrointestinal diseases. Cultivated species are planted as a food, ornamental and medicinal plant. Therefore, the study of methods of cultivation and reproduction of this plant in Uzbekistan is of great importance. Due to the high content of biologically active substances, iodine and vitamins in chokeberry, juices from it can be used for the prevention and treatment of iodine deficiency and vascular diseases. Due to the richness of chokeberry in biologically active substances, its dry fruits can be used as a biologically active additive in the baking industry and confectionery. Also in the pharmaceutical industry, when creating chokeberry plantations, it is recommended to propagate these by cuttings and use two-year-old shoots to do this.
Iroda Bekmurodova
Samarkand State University
News office staff.
Photos taken by Shavkat Akramov.