Head of the department



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The modern chair of Geography of the Samarkand State University has been created in 1934 as chair of the General physical geography at Geology Geographical faculty.

At studying of history of chair of the Geography the huge role in formation and development of chair of such employees as V.A.Lopato, K.F.Kondrateva, J.A.Leven, N.I.Leonov, M.U.Umarov, Z.Sultonov, L.A.Alibekov, S.B.Abbosov, H.T.Nazarov is marked.

Nowadays the chair of Geography spends scientific researches on subjects: «Mapping of geosystems of Southwest Uzbekistan for the purpose of use and a summer residence of an ecological estimation».

Research works are directed on the decision of such questions as – studying of the nature of Southwest Uzbekistan, rational use of its natural resources, preservation of the environment, geoenvironmental problems, optimization for mankind of landscapes, forecasting of changes in the nature in the future. 

Within the limits of scientific researches on chair work under the project of the state grant of basic researches on a subject is spent: Ф-8-07- «Bases of a geographical landscape in struggle against desertification process in Uzbekistan» under the direction of professor L.A.Alibekov.

During the last years employees of chair had been published about 100 scientific articles and theses, 4 textbook, 10 manual and 8 monographers. Many higher educational institutions of our republic use results of these scientific researches.

For today on chair 2 doctor of sciences, professor, 6 candidates of science, senior lecturer, 5 senior teacher, 5 assistants continue activity. The chair Faculty teaches to Bachelor degree students on such specialties as – «The General physical geography», «Physical geography of Uzbekistan», «Economical geography», «Physical geography of Central Asia», «Political geography», «Geographical bases of wildlife management»; to the master degree students – «The Science of geosystems», «Geographical bases of mutual relation of the person and the nature», «History and geography methodology».

On chair there is magistracy on a specialty 5A140602-geography (on object of studying) where for today is trained 15 the master degree students. At chair the student's scientific circle «Site plan and calculation conducting» functions. Members of a circle are 500 students of geographical and ecology faculty who act with the reports on actual problems.

The chair of Geography in the course of realization in republic of reforms in the sphere of education actively participates in improvement of quality and efficiency of formation, preparation of mature geographical shots, scientific potential development and education of young generation in the spirit of love and fidelity to the Motherland.